Writer. Poet. Reviewer.

Bethany Catlin-Johnson (she/her) is a bilingual writer from southern Indiana who is currently based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She holds a BA in Creative Writing from Macalester College and a Fulbright scholarship to Brazil (cancelled due to COVID-19). Her first poetry collection, Theme & Variations: Poems in Four Movements, was published by Sound Ecologies in 2021. She received the Macalester Gateway Award in 2019 for the best undergraduate essay in the arts and was named as a finalist for the Nick Adams Short Story Contest in 2016. In addition to editorial work at Ediciones LEA and Rain Taxi Review of Books, she regularly reviews contemporary fiction and poetry for Rain Taxi. Her work is published or forthcoming in Rain Taxi Review of Books, Chanter Literary and Arts Magazine, St. Catherine University Magazine, Associated Colleges of the Midwest, and elsewhere.

Get in touch via the “Contact” tab above to learn more. CV available upon request.